Do you wish to have the regularity and sincerity of your financial statements? Do you need the support of a contribution assessor or merger auditor for one of your projects? With their experience and their recognized skills, our auditors support you in carrying out legal and contractual assignments. Their role is to certify the regularity, sincerity and faithfulness of your accounts.
In addition to these legal missions and in line with digital transformation, we also offer our services in control and audit procedures for the performance of your information systems (compliance of your information system through general controls, fraud audit and analysis of your data). As a COFRAC certified auditor, Baker Tilly also support you on the societal, social and environmental performance of your business.
Does your legal structure lead you to have your accounts certified by an auditor ? Do you want to have an objective and fair opinion on the value of a business in the context of a business purchase or sale? Do you want to change your accounting system or set up efficient internal control ?
Our teams are able to support you in the following missions
Statutory audit
The legal audit of accounts verifies the economic situation of a company and the accuracy of its financial statements. The result of the independence of the auditor, the report on the company’s annual accounts is sent to shareholders and published at the registry. In addition to its mandatory nature, the legal audit allows you to anticipate risks and reassure your partners.
Contribution, merger and transformation auditor
The contribution and merger auditor, an independent expert with transversal understanding, is responsible for evaluating contributions in kind, certifying the absence of overvaluation of contributions or units and verifying the fairness of remuneration. His appointment is mandatory when contributions in kind are transferred as part of an increase in capital or setting up a business.
IT and cybersecurity audit
Led by a team of specialized consultants and IT lawyers with recognized skills, the IT & Cybersecurity audit allows you to map the interactions between your software and your infrastructure, but also to test the stability of your information system and its level of vulnerability to intrusions. This audit, intended to help you take corrective measures, also allows you to better prepare your GDPR compliance.
CSR audit
Every company must now integrate social responsibility, also known as CSR, into its development strategy. Our experts are responsible for evaluating the societal, social and environmental performance of your company and its level of compliance with the guidelines defined in the ISO 26000 standard. We also support you in your steps in connection with the obligation to declare Extra-Financial Performance (DPEF).
Financial, social and legal audit
The social audit allows you to assess the compliance of internal practices in your company, including compliance with labor law and collective agreements. In particular, we analyze your human resources policy in order to verify its effectiveness and measure the risks. This audit may also be required as part of the establishment of a social and economic committee (CSE).
As part of the legal and tax audit, we assess the potential risks associated with your business. To carry out this mission, we conduct a review of your tax packages and tax integration agreements, your transfer pricing policy or your reliable audit trail (PAF).
Audit of aid and international cooperation programs
Recognized expert in SSE for more 60 years and independent member of the Baker Tilly International network (9th worldwide network – presence in 143 countries), Baker Tilly puts at your service its knowlegde in auditing cooperation projects and of international solidarity in order to help you control the good management of your project.
The audit at Baker Tilly
Our knowledge
Varied profiles, high levels of expertise, our teams support you throughout the development of your business. By assuring the regularity and sincerity of the financial information produced, in particular the annual accounts, our advisers offer you a guarantee of security for your partners and financial institutions.
Beyond legal missions, our auditors and statutory auditors are your trusted advisors for one-off missions: operations on capital or relating to dividends, corporate transformation, cybersecurity, internal control, CSR…
Our services
By relying on the trusted signature of Baker Tilly, you reassure your partners about the financial health of your business. In the event of a merger or contribution, you preserve your rights and those of your partners.
Our auditors meet strict standards (the law) and the doctrine of the profession (jurisprudence). Through “on-site” or in situ control missions, our auditors carry out several types of missions:
- Assessment of accounting systems and internal control of the entity
- Certification of social accounts
- Certifications of consolidated accounts
- Contribution, merger and transformation auditor
- Prevention of business difficulties
- Audit services
A team of experts at your side
The Baker Tilly audit team brings together nearly 180 auditors and statutory auditors, at your service to support your projects and certify your annual accounts.
Regardless of the size of your company, or your industry sector, you will find at Baker Tilly the specialist expert who will be able to support you and provide you with the appropriate advice to implement your project. You will find, within our teams, experts who perfectly understand the requirements of your sector, who have already supported clients working in your field, facilitating the understanding of your needs, and the steps to be taken.
Why choose our teams ?
Comply with a legal obligation
In order to certify the sincerity of the annual accounts, the appointment of the auditor is compulsory for all commercial companies meeting at least two of the following three criteria:
- A balance sheet exceeding 4 million euros
- A turnover exceeding 8 million euros
- More than 50 employees
Secure the management of your business
Thanks to the analysis of processes and internal controls, audits relating to regulations and company information systems, and recommendations formulated on the basis of best practices, the statutory auditor helps you to secure your activity, and in particular your financial information.
Anticipate risks
Running a business always involves a certain number of risks, all the more so when its economic environment is uncertain. Based on recommendations, the statutory auditor is able to help you identify and assess these risks in order to better anticipate them and reduce their impact.
Specialists in auditing and business consulting, the Baker Tilly teams rely on the diversity and complementarity of the group’s various specialized partners. This multidisciplinary approach revolves in particular around services fully responsive to issues facing businesses.
Our collaboration will take several steps. During our first meeting, we collect all the information relating to your project, and gather your various needs. We then provide you with a tailor-made offer based on the information provided, and useful advice for decision-making.
What is the difference between an accountant and an auditor ?
The chartered accountant is responsible for preparing or consolidating the annual accounts of a company, while the auditor analyses them and certifies their accuracy. In a way, the auditor provides the independence necessary for an objective study of your accounts.
What are the risks in case of failure to appoint an auditor ?
Failure to comply with the obligation to appoint an auditor is liable to a two-year prison sentence and a fine of € 30,000.
What is the term of appointment of an auditor ?
The term of appointment of the auditor is set at 6 years, that is to say 6 financial years, except in the case of missions known as “Legal Audit Small Business” (ALPE) where his mandate may be limited to 3 years.
What information must be transmitted to start an audit mission ?
To carry out its work in the best conditions, the auditor in particular need access to financial statements and statutes of the audited entity.
Is the use of an auditor compulsory for an association ?
Only associations receiving at least € 153,000 in public subsidies (excluding European subsidies) are legally obliged to use an auditor.